Crypto PR Agency

Blockchain Babel: Translating the Tech Jargon That’s Killing Your Marketing

As is typical in most newcomers to the blockchain industry, they are greeted with a lot of technical language. Blockchain provides revolutionary advancements, but explaining it is as if putting African broken English into words. For marketers this “Blockchain Babel” is an obstacle that can impact every potential customer, investor, and media outlet. As for us at CTRL PR, we’ve learned that excessive use of jargon hinders the brand from expressing its messages effectively though with such a capability, we have been able to see.”

Time to carve out the ways in which use of confusing terminology may be damaging to your marketing strategy and how, at the same time, you can explain things that do not require dilution — or loss of all the much-valuable nuance and specificities that make blockchains great.

The Problem with Blockchain Jargon

A. Alienating Potential Customers

The vast majority of such persons have not clue with reference to terms such as smart contracts, decentralized ledgers, or cryptographic hashing. To some extent they are important for the technology itself, but used in your marketing messages they contribute to the gulf between brand and consumer. You find yourself not only able to fail at getting their attention with your message but also drive the individual away.

Blockchain jargon in marketing

B. Losing the Media’s Interest

People are interested in certain stories more than a specific list of features covered in the technology news. The social journalists expect to write articles within the shortest time possible and they have no time to study your technology focused message. If your pitch looks like a research paper then sorry to interrupt you its heading straight to the bin.

Personal Example: Some months back we proposed a technology client to one of the leading magazines. The client especially wanted technical terms to be used in the release. Yet again and again, the pitch did not gain traction among the people, and this is probably the reason: When we stripped away the details and instead showed people how their technologies are changing the world, we got multiple features.

Web 3?- Web3 and the Circular Economy: PR for Blockchain-Enabled Sustainability

C. Confusing Investors

It should come as no surprise given the more experienced investors also have difficulty deciphering blockchain lingo. More often, they just want to know how your technology is going to lead to adoption or profits, not the details of how it does it. Many an investor has been lured or turned off their interest in an investment business by how their investor decks were worded.

The Benefits of Translating Blockchain into Simple Language

A. Broader Audience Engagement

That is because when you go simple, then you are able to address so many people out there. Dividing large ideas means that others who might be interested in what you do, or want to do business with you, or even invest in you can easily grasp what you deliver and why they should care.

Technical Term Simplified Explanation
Smart Contract A digital contract that automatically enforces its terms when certain conditions are met.
Decentralized Ledger A digital system where multiple people have copies of the same data, so no one person controls it.
Cryptographic Hashing A way to take data and turn it into a unique, secure code.

B. More Media Coverage

If you try to take all of this back to the basics, then you’d find it much easier to get coverage in some of the media forms you plan to use for advertising. Journalists require simple tellable narratives that they can explain to their audiences and that the latter will find engaging. It enables you to shift some of your perspective away from the technical aspects of the impending blockchain solution to consider on how the entire industry or a particular community stand(s) to benefit from it.

Blockchain jargon in marketing

C. Investor Confidence

For a brand, investors are more likely to rely on the information they put across especially if they are short and to the point. Essentially you dispel the cloak of technicality every business has full well knowing you are not only a player in the technology space but in the marketing and growth of this technology. This clarity may be comforting to the holders of the purse, although it is debatable that this interpretative confusion has ever consoled anyone.

 How to Simplify Without Sacrificing Substance

A. Focus on Benefits, Not Features

Individuals do not spend a lot of time thinking about the inner mechanisms of your tools – they just want to know what you can offer them. In your marketing campaigns, swap out parroting for features (for example, “we use a decentralized blockchain”) for their benefits (for example, “secure and transparent transactions every time”)..

Feature Benefit
Built on Ethereum Ensures security and scalability
Decentralized exchange No middlemen, lower transaction fees
Cryptographic security Your data stays private and protected

B. Create Analogies

It can be easier to understand the sometimes abstract concept of blockchain and how all its different parts work together through analogies that play out on a daily basis. Now imagine that we have a digital notebook in which every participant has his copy and no one wants to alter it unless all other participants share the same opinion.

Personal Example: In our attempt to describe a client’s blockchain use case to individuals who may not have adequate knowledge in this field, we said that “it is like an open safe where everybody can see the contents, but only the owner can open it.” It stirred people’s imagination and consciousness much more than this ‘I speak, therefore I am’ puffed-up comparison of the content.

C. Use Visuals to Explain Concepts

Infrequently, gangly isn’t adequate even from plain country spicks. Somewhere in between are formslike infographics, diagrams, and short, simple explainer videos that could help to explain a concept. An illustration of how a transaction is verified in a block chain is definitely more understanding than reading a narrative on the same process.

 CTRL PR: Making Blockchain Marketing Human

Its at CTRL PR where we focus on ensuring the blockchain and tech firms get the attention they require. We understand the best way to achieve that balance and ensure that your message is technically correct while at the same time pass a message that is quasi-understandable by a layman! Our approach is simple: we translate your ideas to stories consumable by ordinary people.

Need to communicate with the media, get funding or just simply increase the number of your customers? Let’s make sure your message gets conveyed right. We are an innovative Crypto PR and Web3 marketing firm headquartered in Berlin, it says creating PR solutions that work and ensures that your audience is not saturated with complicated terminology.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Let Jargon Kill Your Growth

Blockchain is a field with huge opportunities, but if you cannot convey those opportunities properly, then it is a problem. Just as is the case with all forms of writing, technical terms when used in marketing will work against you if not well handled. But with effective planning, you can declutter your communication and make blockchain understandable without having to dumb-down your offering.

Must Read- The Decentralization Dilemma: Marketing DAOs in a World of Corporate Giants


At CTRL PR, we know that it could be confusing when trying to make sense of the ethics behind the “Blockchain Babel. Ready to get started? Telephone Consultation or Contact us today for a free consultation.

